Badematte aus Mikrofaser – ultraweich und rutschfest
2369+ sold

€23,99 €37,99
(37% off)
Farbe Weiß

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  • 2er-Set – Luxuriöse passende kleine und große Badteppich-Sets sind in mehreren Farben und Designs erhältlich, um perfekt zu Ihrer Badezimmerdekoration zu passen. Superweiche und extrem saugfähige Mikrofasern sind perfekt zum Austrocknen der Füße. Größen - Klein ist 43 x 61 cm und Groß ist 51 x 86 cm
  • Saugfähig und langlebig – ein dicker Badvorleger schützt den Boden vor tropfendem Wasser, wenn Sie aus der Dusche, Badewanne, Toilette steigen oder am Waschbecken stehen. Hervorragende Qualität und eine starke Gummi-Gel-Schaum-Latex-Rückseite sorgen dafür, dass die Badematte jahrelang hält
  • Rutschfest - Die Bodenbadematte ist mit rutschfestem Gummi hinterlegt, um ein Verrutschen oder Verrutschen zu verhindern. Stellen Sie sicher, dass die Unterseite des Badezimmervorlegers trocken gehalten wird und dass der Toilettenvorleger auf einem trockenen Boden liegt, da Wasser unter dem Teppich zum Ausrutschen führen kann
  • Maschinenwaschbar - Leicht in der Waschmaschine mit Feinwaschmittel im Schonwaschgang zu reinigen
  • Kundengarantie - Penguin Home® garantiert 100% Zufriedenheit mit schnellem Kundenservice, einfacher Rückgabe und Ersatz. Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns jederzeit für alle Fragen
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Material: Mikropolyester

Abmessungen: (43 x 61 cm und 51 x 86 cm) & (51 x 51 cm und 51 x 86 cm)

Gewicht (kg): 0,98

Pflegehinweise: Sie müssen sich keine Sorgen über Verschmutzungen und Verschüttungen machen. Dieses Produkt ist maschinenwaschbar und langlebig und immer wieder einsatzbereit.

Customer Reviews

Based on 57 reviews
Good compromise between quality and cost …

Absolutely fine. I needed them in a hurry for a guest who’s arriving in a couple of days, and they arrived within 24 hours. They fit perfectly (as the measurements given indicated they would), look good, and do the job. On the cushion vinyl floor they are, indeed, non-slip. They aren’t as absorbent as cotton mats, but you wouldn’t expect them to be.The only complaint I have is that the plastic packaging was damaged and one corner of the larger mat was filthy. Fortunately it washed clean without a problem (so I can give 5 stars for ease of cleaning!) but that’s not the point …However, as I didn’t know whether the fault lay with Amazon or the actual sellers, it didn’t seem fair to knock a star off for it.Very happy (in the end!) with my emergency buy.

Good compromise between quality and cost …

Absolutely fine. I needed them in a hurry for a guest who’s arriving in a couple of days, and they arrived within 24 hours. They fit perfectly (as the measurements given indicated they would), look good, and do the job. On the cushion vinyl floor they are, indeed, non-slip. They aren’t as absorbent as cotton mats, but you wouldn’t expect them to be.The only complaint I have is that the plastic packaging was damaged and one corner of the larger mat was filthy. Fortunately it washed clean without a problem (so I can give 5 stars for ease of cleaning!) but that’s not the point …However, as I didn’t know whether the fault lay with Amazon or the actual sellers, it didn’t seem fair to knock a star off for it.Very happy (in the end!) with my emergency buy.

Gorgeous colours

4.5* Gorgeous bath mat set.I was sent these in return for my honest opinion on them.I absolutely love the design and colours of these mats, blues, grey's and white, with a nice thick navy blue border all the way around.The material is gorgeously soft, long and dense. This is nice and absorbent on your wet feet when coming out of the shower. The base is anti slip, so it doesn't move as you're climbing out either.The sizes are good, even if not your normal generic size and they're maybe slightly different than stated. The larger one is roughly 50.5cm x 52.5cm. The smaller one, which has a u shaped cut out for the toilet base, is around 51cm long and 54cm wide. I actually prefer and like this one being slightly more rectangular, than square.I would recommend this set. I think it's great for the price. I love the pattern and colour choices, they really compliment each other. They would look lovely in any bathroom and in a nautical style room too.


This item is not completely non slip, the bathmat does move around a bit. It's not as soft as advertised. I have also bought another set from a different seller and that item was much better

Amazon Customer

This item is not completely non slip, the bathmat does move around a bit. It's not as soft as advertised. I have also bought another set from a different seller and that item was much better

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